Is Chinese herbal medicine the way forward
Chinese herbal medicine uses different herbs, with known healing properties, combined in formulae to provide a powerful and balanced effect. Imbalances between the two opposite principles, Yin and Yang, are the cause of illnesses. Successful treatment is based upon treating the underlying disharmony between Yin and Yang and re-establishing balance.
Chinese herbal medicine can be used to treat both acute and chronic conditions, including colds, bronchitis, influenza, diarrhoea, depression, eczema and other skin problems, arthritis, stress, sinusitis, hay fever, haemorrhoids, back pain, indigestion, migraine, palpitations, gynecological conditions – period pains, pregnancy problems, anaemia, menopausal problems, discharges, fibroids, cysts, fertility, endometriosis, addiction problems.
Herbs also enhance the immune system and improve the quality of life so that patients experience improvements in mood and energy. Chinese herbs can be taken by all age groups, from young babies to the elderly.
The practitioner uses theories of traditional Chinese medicine to assess the patient’s symptoms, and medical history, and read the tongue and pulses. Often chinese herbal medicine is used in conjunction with acupuncture. The practitioner is on The Register Of Chinese Herbal Medicine.