When do you need to speak to a doctor or nurse?
If you need to speak to a doctor or nurse please telephone the surgery during surgery hours. A receptionist will take details of your name, a telephone number where you can be contacted, the name of the person you want to speak to and your message.
This will then be entered into an electronic message book noting the time you telephoned. The doctor or nurse will ring you back when they are next available. If the person you want to speak to is not available the receptionist will inform you of this and offer you the choice of another doctor or nurse. If the message is urgent please inform the receptionist.
A doctor’s job role
- To treat patients with dignity and respect
- To provide patients with assured quality of preventative, curative and palliative care and also health education and promotion
- To develop and enhance the range of services and care of the residents of the practice area, and to meet the changing health needs of the future in close cooperation with Central Liverpool PCT and other local community and professional groups
- To create a learning environment
- To operate an ethical, efficient and successful practice to resource the provision and development of health care